Hashim has been keen on eyeballing a piece of land located in the valleys of the Karjat hills and so we set off today around noon.
Karjat is gorgeous at this time of the year and we were treated to at least a 100 waterfalls.
The property in question has no access and so not realizing that would mean trek 1.5 km each way we set off with the guide and driver/broker. After 15 minutes of walking through villages, fields and hillocks the throat was screaming for water but we had not carried any assuming our destination was not really far away.
The new Nike trekking shoes were inaugurated and how! When you don't know that you are on a trek don't you try and save your shoes from total submersion in water for as long as you can? I tried - past the first brook the guide and driver looked back hoping for dramatic exclamations from the madam but hey - I got the better of them. I waded through streams and rapids which were ankle deep, then mid calf and finally on the return half hour later waist deep. Yes - all this to get to a piece of paradise which has a fantastic panoramic view and is like an island between two gushing rivers with absolutely no road access. Oh how I want that little piece!

Finally after chanting 'i can be like a camel' for a few more kms, I decided water in the system was required and as the rain Gods were unleashing heavy bouts of rain - I drank the water streaming off my umbrella. Yikes and yum. Mana from heaven.
A visit to an uncles farm for a chat and chai completed the outing and we were back by 7:30pm. Not bad for a day out in the wilderness.

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